Monday, June 24, 2013

Visiting Lil Sis + Flower Photography

The other day I got to see my little sis like I had hoped but things didn't go quite as planned. We were supposed to draw with chalk, which is hard to do when you don't have any chalk in the first place.We still had fun spending time together despite being chalkless. I feel like I haven't seen my little buddy in forever. I brought Zeus and Charlie along too. Alyssa has a little puppy that they love to play with, so it was an all around good time for everyone.

Another thing on our bucket list was picking wildflowers. So we searched in her yard and stumbled upon the saddest group of yellow flowers (those aren't sunflowers are they??) I had ever seen lol.

We ended up not picking them afterall. They were mostly wilted and buried in tall grass that I did not want to find a stray snake in. Plus there was an extra large puddle of what looked like black water nearby that Zeus was very interested in. We had to spray him down after noticing his whole left half was covered in black guck.

Coincidentally he loved the water being sprayed in his face. Good thing too because before the day was over he had gotten into the black puddle again, requiring yet another spray down.

We found more flowers that I decided to take pictures of because these were clearly not meant to be picked.

I was getting picture taking happy with the last one. Those are just the berries on one of their many evergreen trees. 
After taking pics we decided to have a little scavenger hunt. Thinking up things to find was much harder than I had expected but Alyssa found everything on her little list. She is such a smarty for an 8 year old.

I took the time and actually edited these pictures. I even experimented with putting my name on them. After putting my name on them though, I realized people usually put watermarks on their photos, not just plain text. I am wondering if there is an easy way to watermark pictures. I want to do it to my good ones :). Any suggestions would be awesome since I don't seem to know what I am doing lol.

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