Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Golden Hour

Thanks to my Nicole (my sister in law) and pinterest, I am now interested in capturing photos during "The Golden Hour". If you're curious it is the moments just before the sun starts to set. When You take a decent picture of it, this is the result

I was excited about the sunburst effect I got when I took this with my camera phone. When you put people and things in front of the sunburst it makes them have a certain glow and makes the picture look fantastic :) ! I practiced over the weekend with my good camera and wanted to let you guys see.

I won't lie, it kind of forced me to play with my apertures and shutter speed a little. I have yet to touch my ISO button. But let me know how they look. I'm still learning and could use some pointers


  1. These look great - I still wouldn't say I have perfected the "exposure triangle"...but just keep working with it and you will get more comfortable!

  2. Thanks Kaeley
    I honestly avoided it and stuck with the auto/no flash setting for the longest time. Time to step it up lol.

  3. I am no photographer but I am enjoy and appreciate those who trump and own me in this subject

    get photos <3

    1. Well thanks, I am an amateur myself and just go with the ideas I get sometimes! Its a process thats for sure

  4. Those are great shots!
