Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Time!!

I remember in grade school when days led to the last day of school and little me was so excited to finally be out to sleep in and not worry about homework. The best part was hanging with friends all day every day. Oh those were the days, now even when it's summer I have the work grind to look forward to. Joy. Well today is lil' sis' last day! She had her awards ceremony the other day and I watched her win perfect attendance and A honor roll. Can we say dedicated smarty pants lol.

You see that razor scooter back there? I know you do. Well she got that for perfect attendance. I was like "Say what now!!??" I remember getting a thin piece of paper for attendance like she is holding above, and that is it! Last year she accomplished the same thing and got a bike! I wish they had come up with this stuff sooner! Oh yea and that camera sitting on top, I gave her that for her picture taking for the bucket list. Little bitty has already lost the charger for it so I might have given her that a bit too soon! lol.

I plan on taking some shots with my DSLR this weekend. I will show you guys how it all turns out :) #excited


  1. She is too cute for words! I never had perfect attendance (Barney just seemed so interesting when I was younger) maybe if they rewarded scooters I would've pretended to be interested in school!

  2. Yea my inner child was a little jealous of her scooter lol.
